Special Needs Sunday

Special Needs

Worship with The Gathering Place Online

The Gathering Place is our satellite special needs congregation that meets (currently) on Zoom on Sundays at 1:30. We welcome and embrace transitional adults and adults and families affected by special needs. Email tgpweb24@gmail.com to get the password, and then join here: The Gathering Place Worship on Zoom

Worship at Cresthill Onsite

Our building is accessible, including an automatic, wheelchair-accessible church front door. We also have a wheelchair lift for access to the stage for those who would be leading in music or speaking. There are signs with directions to accessible restrooms as well as a Sensory Room.

Sensory Room

We have a Sensory Room for those with special needs who may need a break from our environment for whatever reason. Please see any of the ushers for assistance.

Night to Shine

We have partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation to host Night to Shine, a prom open to the public for those with special needs. It is scheduled annually on a Friday night in February. It’s a special night of dining, dancing, karaoke, limo rides and more!

Everyone Belongs Camp

We have partnered with the Baptist Convention of MD/DE, our satellite church The Gathering Place, and The Banquet Network to host a weekend camp open to the public for campers with special needs.  It is held annually in the summer, held at Skycroft Conference Center in MD.